Naturex Beekeepers


Did you know that 76% of food production in Europe depends on pollination by bees? And that without them, the most of the farming of fruits, vegetables, plant oils, nuts, spices, coffee and cocoa would have disappeared long ago? According to experts at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), a total of 85% of plants grown in Europe would not survive without the continuous pollination of these tireless workers, not to mention their delicious gift of honey!

But bees are facing many threats. Climatic change, pesticides and destructive parasites are having a significant impact on colonies, which are disappearing at an alarming rate. Each of us can do something to protect this vital link in the biodiversity chain.

Bee colonies at the Avignon factory – a Pathfinder project

At Naturex, our entire approach is built around our respect for Nature and its vast botanical garden. The Naturex Beekeepers project was created based on this commitment to protecting biodiversity. The idea is to host bee colonies at our Avignon premises: implementing practical measures for the environment and allowing us to learn about bees’ amazing abilities at the same time.

Four hives were installed onsite at the beginning of July. They will be monitored by our partner, BEECOLOR, a specialist in setting up beehives in companies. They will also organize workshops throughout the year for employees who would like to find out more.

Naturex Beekeepers is part of our commitment, in line with company values, to involve each of us in protecting biodiversity.

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